launch of the National Association of Community Enterprise Centre’s

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Are You Looking For Office Space In Enniscorthy?

Enniscorthy Enterprise & Technology Centre is set up to support local business, through mentoring, advice, training and incubation space. The Centre has experienced staff with the passion and the skills to help your business. The Centre is purpose built with units of every size, excellent facilities and top class infrastructure to cater for all your business needs.

[dt_sc_two_sixth][dt_sc_button size=”large” align=”right” target=”_blank” link=””]Find Out More About Office Space In Enniscorthy[/dt_sc_button][/dt_sc_two_sixth]


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[dt_sc_hr_invisible][dt_hr_title tag=”h2″]Facilities & Services[/dt_hr_title]
[dt_sc_one_fourth first] [dt_theme_service icon_url=’’ title=’Broadband’ subtitle=’High Speed, e-Fibre’] 32mb download speed, 13mb upload speed with unlimited capacity. FREE! [/dt_theme_service][/dt_sc_one_fourth]

[dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_theme_service icon_url=’’ title=’Mentoring’ subtitle=’For Business Executives’]We will help your business to improve it’s chances for survival and growth.[/dt_theme_service][/dt_sc_one_fourth]

[dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_theme_service icon_url=’’ title=’Office Supports’ subtitle=’Here To Help At Any Time’]Office support, photocopying, laminating, binding, faxing, managed post and more.[/dt_theme_service][/dt_sc_one_fourth]

[dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_theme_service icon_url=’’ title=’Training’ subtitle=’Dedicated Training Staff’]State of the art training rooms to cater for all your training needs, big or small.[/dt_theme_service][/dt_sc_one_fourth]


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And Many More!

Enniscorthy Enterprise & Technology Centre has been purpose built and staffed to help your business succeed, whether you are in the start-up stages or are already established.

[dt_join_button currency=”+” link=””]View All Facilities & Services[/dt_join_button]



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Tenant Testimonials


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[dt_sc_testimonial name=”Simon Kinsella” role=”” image=””]I chose to base my business in EETC because they offered a very favourable package. Cheap rent, excellent facilities, free broadband, 24/7 access and business support. I haven’t looked back since. Highly recommended.[/dt_sc_testimonial]


[dt_sc_testimonial name=”Edward Hendrick” role=”” image=””]Enniscorthy Enterprise Centre has been a great support to us at Sonru, in advising us and connecting us to the right people as we grew. We have just moved out into our own new office in Wexford. [/dt_sc_testimonial]




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[dt_sc_hr_invisible][dt_hr_title tag=”h2″]Our Blog[/dt_hr_title]

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