Welcome. My name is Nettie. I help children and adolescents (or teens) cope with every day problems. I am a Cognitive Behavioural Counsellor and Psychotherapist and I use Cognitive Behaviorial Therapy (CBT) in my practice to help people with many conditions which hinder and take away from enjoying the fullness of life. These include things like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, grief, anger, jealousy, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to name a few.

My background is in the area of special needs. I worked in the education sector as a Special Needs Assistant for fourteen years. I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Care in 2007 with the Carlow Institute of Technology and, in 2011, a Higher Diploma in Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) from the Waterford Institute of Technology. In 2013 I graduated with a Master of Arts Degree (M.A.) in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with the Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences (ICHAS) and I am accredited by the Association of Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists (APCP).

I have also trained with the HSE. In 2012 I participated in their Family Communication & Self Esteem (FCSE) Parenting Programme and am a co-facilitator for this programme in County Wexford.

My private practice is located in the Enniscorthy Enterprise & Technology Centre. I work with people one on one where I provide CBT support for many life hindering conditions. I also provide personal development support in the areas of confidence building, self-esteem and self-worth. These are delivered both one on one and in group settings. In my work I focus on the whole person – mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally.

I provide CBT support to It’s Good 2 Talk Counselling & Psychotherapy in Wexford and also to the Enniscorthy/Bunclody School Completion Programme in Enniscorthy – a programme helping children ages 4 to 18 years who are at risk of leaving school early.

I have spent a lifetime of helping people and I have experience and training working with many different conditions. I’m delighted to work with CBT as an effective therapy to help people young and old. I’m very happy to help you.