This project is designed for adult learners and staff to carry out a mobility to investigate the benefits of a structured fitness and exercise training programme that will help them in their lives, community and workplace.
This project helped our organisation by:
1. implementing high quality teaching and learning programme designed for our adult learner which is relevant to their needs of individual and the society at large,
2. raising the participation of our adults learners of all ages and socio-economic background in adult education,
3. developing and reinforce of life-long key competences,
4. helping our learners to achieve economic independence and dismantling barriers they face in education and society.

By implementing this project Enniscorthy Enterprise & Technology Centre aims to use the mobility to design a training programmes in fitness and exercise that will help them in their lives, community and workplace. This was done by both students and staff mobilities. The other purpose was, to design from scratch, a training program that would be linked for exercise and well being within the workplace or people looking for work. So therefore, the way we do this is by raising awareness with the adult learner by them actually going on a mobility program before they even do the training program. We used this knowledge to investigate the best practices from our host organisation and supporting organisation. The Centre uses this knowledge to design a programme that can be incorporated into business related courses.

The activities of this proposal was to send a group of adult learners to Estepona with training staff on a short term mobility learning exchange of best practices. The activity examined best practices of a new training program taking place in IES Mar de Alboran, Estepona in conjunction with supporting organisation Atletismo Estepona. This knowledge was then brought back and evaluated and a training course is been designed and developed from the activity. Two staff members also went on a job shadow so that they can re-evaluate our training program as it exists at the present time.

The management of Enniscorthy Enterprise & Technology Centre wants to have a clear understanding of the ways the host partner created a new fitness course and how it is run. We want our staff to be able to roll out this course. We hope that our adult learner will gain from the course. Enniscorthy Enterprise & Technology Centre stakeholder will see the benefit of the course. We hope that the project will raise awareness among our learners participants, by sharing best practices, and by choosing appropriate design for their activities.